Cotton & Potatoes
In the middle of 2020, the farmer who rents our field prepared the field to plant potatoes. By June 20th I was walking the parameter in my various states of covid anxiety. I was seeing the farm from different vantage points than I had in the last 25 years. I was looking for things that were already here to use in my life and work. I found a place to walk outside of the fray. Listening to books and the light.
I started to think of the potato field as a runway for my clothing line.
I began walking with cohorts to music on our phones to see how people looked in the field, measuring the rows, checking out the spacing.
This project had to come together quickly. I began to invite my crew — Dj Ries for sure, Christy and Bernie our friends and neighbors as photographers, advisors and moral support. Homies from Edison as models: Iris, David and Charles, my studio assistant Pearl, her mom and two sisters, my graphic/tech maven Jasmine, tenants Merlin and Cat, Virginia, and Heidi. Keeping it close — and most of those people own and wear New Trade Route.
At the beginning I imagined a site that was close to the buildings of the farm and the road. However, I thought I might have roadside spectators, and nixed that location as I didn’t want to attract attention. In fact, I moved the piece to the most isolated spot of the field in order to safe guard my friends participating and create our own vibe.
The week before the show I started to look at style profile and mix, beginning with the pieces that certain models owned.
The fashion show took place in the field covid style, custom masks, no contact. Make something happen no matter what. Thanks, friends and family for the memorable event.