
On the 14th of February, 2018, I left my Barrio Norte apartment in a taxi headed to Pasto gallery to bring the bride some clothes. I arrived early before the crowd. I unfolded my blanket and unpacked my bundle of clothing. Slipping off my shoes, I sat on the blankets watching the guests arrive to the opening. I put myself in this lonely, vulnerable position. My friends snapped some photos, they brought me a drink. No one engaged with me at first but I noticed people wondering: who is this person? What are these clothes? Suddenly the father of the bride came out to greet me and as he did it allowed the many curious people a chance to try it on.
Special thanks to César Abelenda for his generous and open spirit as he did not expect me. Big kiss to Rip Tamara and Marina Pereya for their support and encouragement.
Photos courtesy of Sheila Klein, Marina Pereyra, Rip Tamara and Santi Orti.